1) This course is offered by the Department of Mathematics / College of Arts & Sciences.

2) This course is offered at the main Ft. Myers campus.

3) The instructor for this course is Thomas A. B. Beatty. Dr. Beatty is a full professor of mathematics and a graduate of the California Institute of Technology (physics) and Florida Atlantic University (general topology and functional analysis). Dr. Beatty has worked as an engineer for many years and it has affected him greatly, so if he wears white socks and repeats himself, please be kind and don't remind him.

4) Instructor's office is located in Seidler Hall, Room 202. Office hours are by appointment to alleviate schedule conflicts. The instructor may also schedule virtual (internet) office hours in lieu of physical office hours, especially if class scheduling makes the latter impractical. In the event there is a University policy that restricts the physical presence of students and faculty on University property, there will be no traditional office hours, but it is hoped that responsive e-mail will suffice.

5) Instructor's phone number is 590-7127, however, see (6).

6) Instructor's e-mail is, and should be used for all communication outside of class in order to provide a written record. Students should be aware that there are detailed government rules (FERPA) controlling communications regarding most aspects of student performance in the class, even if those communications are directly between the student and instructor. 

7) The website provides all information and supplementary instructional material for this course. We will not be using Canvas for communication (e-mails will be unread, interim grades will be unposted) or any other purpose, except for a one time completion at the start of the semester of the Financial Aid Attendance Exercise on the Canvas page for this course. This is an administrative requirement imposed by the University and should be completed by all students, regardless of financial aid status. Since the number of exam grades will be small, it is hoped that the student will not be inconvenienced by keeping a running record of their individual performance.

8)(a) In the event that this course, in whole or in part, meets physically on campus, student learning will be evaluated by periodic written examinations, the default being at minimum a midterm and final, given at natural breakpoints in the course material, and by homework, which may or may not be collected and graded at random. The format and date of each examination will be announced at the beginning of the semester, but is subject to change.

8)(b) In the event that this course is a seminar course, both the written project report and oral presentation, if any, will be considered to be examinations.

8)(c) In the event that this course is offered on-line (distance learning) student learning will be evaluated by periodic examinations given at natural breakpoints in the material and by homework. These exams and homework may be either administered by an interactive on-line system such as MyMathLab or they may be posted on this website with the expectation that they be returned as pdf files attached to e-mails to the instructor.

8)(d) In any case, assessment of overall student performance (i.e. determination of grade) will be based on a weighted average score achieved for all examinations given and all homework assigned. See the course-specific syllabus for the weighting formula. Co-located graduate/undergraduate courses will be structured to account for an appropriate variation in level of difficulty and grading equity.

    (i) All exams must be taken as scheduled unless 24 hour prior notification is given to the instructor and acknowledged due to documented unavoidable absence. Appeal after the fact is unacceptable. A missed exam excused under this policy will be scored the same as the next exam taken. A missed exam not excused under this policy will be scored at 85% of the score of the next exam. Two unexcused missed exams in a row will be scored as zero for both. The final (last, but not special in any other regard) exam must be taken for a grade this semester.

    (ii) Any homework must be completed (either submitted as hardcopy, submitted electronically as a pdf, or submitted as an interactive session with My Math Lab) on the due date or prior thereto, since solutions may be published. Unclaimed hardcopy homework will be filed outside my office and discarded at the end of the semester. Final exams will be retained for one year. All electronic submissions and interactive records are permanently archived. Homework is subject to a ten percent (out of total points possible) reduction per day if submitted after the published due date.

    (iii) No extra credit is available.

    (iv) No examination or homework score may be excluded from the calculation of the weighted average.

    (v) No homework score may be duplicated or substituted to compensate for missing scores unless authorized in advance.

At the discretion of the instructor, bonus assignments or pop quizzes may be given. For purposes of assessment, such bonus assignments or pop quizzes will be treated as additional homework. Attendance is given no explicit weight in the determination of grades, but one must be in class to complete any pop quiz. 

9) The grading scheme for this course, based on the assessment scheme in (8) above where average scores are expressed as percentages rounded to the nearest integer, is as follows:

 ≥90 A
87-89 B+
80-86 B
77-79 C+
66-76 C
60-65 D
≤59 F

A grade of "I" (incomplete) requires supporting documentation, typically medical, provided by the student prior to the due date for grades to be submitted to the registrar. Incomplete grades are not available unless the student is passing the course at the time participation in the course is terminated.

10) Students are encouraged, but not required, to attend all in-person classes, and be reasonably punctual when attending, and to respect the teaching environment by observing common sense and common courtesy with regard to electronic devices, consumption of food/beverages, distracting conversation, and entering/leaving the classroom. Students not intending to stay for the entire class without a valid reason might consider not attending at all. Students participating as distance-learners are expected to be responsible for observing all published due dates whether or not they are reminded by the instructor.

11) Students should keep in mind the last date for withdrawal without academic penalty (which is generally late in the semester). Withdrawal is the sole responsibility of the student. The schedule of examinations will be coordinated with this date and students will have firm evidence of their likelihood to succeed in the course before this date.

12) (required University statement regarding academic behavior standards and academic dishonesty)

"All students are expected to demonstrate honesty in their academic pursuits. The University policies regarding issues of honesty can be found in the FGCU Student Guidebook under the Student Code of Conduct and Policies and Procedures sections. All students are expected to study this document which outlines their responsibilities and consequences for violations of the policy. The FGCU Student Guidebook is available online at"

13) (required University statement regarding disability accommodations services)

"Florida Gulf Coast University, in accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act and the university’s guiding principles, will provide classroom and academic accommodations to students with documented disabilities.  If you need to request an accommodation in this class due to a disability, or you suspect that your academic performance is affected by a disability, please see me or contact the Office of Adaptive Services.  The Office of Adaptive Services is located in the Student and Community Counseling Center building.  The phone number is 239-590-7956 or Video Phone (VP) 239-243-9453.  In addition to classroom and campus accommodations, individuals with disabilities are encouraged to create their personal emergency evacuation plan and FGCU is committed to providing information on emergency notification procedures. You can find information on the emergency exits and Areas of Rescue Assistance for each building, as well as other emergency preparedness materials on the Environmental Health and Safety and University Police Department websites.  If you will need assistance in the event of an emergency due to a disability, please contact Adaptive Services for available services and information."

14) (required University statement regarding student observance of religious holidays)

"All students at Florida Gulf Coast University have the right to expect that the University will reasonably accommodate their religious observances, practices, and beliefs. Students, upon prior notification to their instructors, shall be excused from class or other scheduled academic activity to observe a religious holy day of their faith. Students shall be permitted a reasonable amount of time to make up the material or activities covered in their absence. Students shall not be penalized due to absence from class or other scheduled academic activity because of religious observances. Where practicable, major examinations, major assignments, and University ceremonies will not be scheduled on a major religious holy day. A student who is to be excused from class for a religious observance is not required to provide a second party certification of the reason for the absence."

15) (required University statement regarding attendance confirmation for financial aid distribution)

"All students regardless of financial aid status are required to type a response to the pro forma assignment posted on the Canvas page for this class by the end of the first week of classes. The minimum response is one character typed onto the assignment page. Response for this class should be made whether or not a response has been made for any other class."

16) (required University statement regarding non-discrimination)

"Florida Gulf Coast University is committed to ensuring equity and fairness for all University employees, students, visitors, vendors, contractors and other third parties. As such, the University prohibits discrimination on the bases of race, color, national origin, ethnicity, religion, age, disability, sex (including sexual harassment/assault), gender identity/expression, marital status, sexual orientation, veteran status or genetic predisposition with regard to admissions, employment, programs or other activities operated by the University. This prohibition extends to enforcement of Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972. Questions or complaints should be directed to the Office of Institutional Equity and Compliance (OIEC). The OIEC’s phone number is 239-745-4366; the OIEC email address is"

17) (required University statement regarding use of technology)

"Students are expected to be conversant with basic computer operations, including communication, word-processing, and data management functions. Facility in using learning management systems (LMS) and creating You Tube videos is assumed."

In view of (7) above, this course does not require extensive LMS use. Students may find familiarity with .pdf or .jpg imaging software to be convenient for submitting assignments. 

18) (required University statement regarding instructor recording of courses)

"This course may employ technology that will allow for audio and/or video recording of live class sessions. Class recordings may be made in a physical classroom using webcams or classroom cameras and microphones, as well as in distance classes delivered via Canvas BigBlueButton, MS Teams, or Zoom. This recording technology should be utilized for the sole purpose of enhancing student learning. It may provide for supplemental student instruction via secure links to recorded session(s), the live stream of courses, presentations of off-site guest speakers and/or delivery of course instruction utilizing "flipped classroom" methodologies. Student questions and/or comments may be included as a part of any session being recorded."

19) (required University statement regarding student recording of courses)

"Consistent with new legislation most recently effective July 1,2021, a student may, without prior notice, record (video or audio) a faculty lecture for the limited purpose of (1) personal educational use, (2) for use in a complaint against the institution, or (3) for use as evidence in a civil or criminal proceeding. Recordings for any other purpose (except as a permitted accomodation) are not permitted. Recordings that are accomplished in such a way as to cause disruption to the learning environment can be prohibited. Such a recorded lecture may not be made public to a third party (i.e. published) without the faculty member's prior written consent. Moreover, students are expressly prohibited from recording any other student in such a manner that personally identifies the student. Some negligible/ inconsequential recording of a student's voice as a by-product of recording will not be deemed a violation of a permitted recording."

20) (required University statement regarding plagiarism detection services)

"Students agree that by taking this course all required papers may be subject to submission for textual similarity review to or other plagiarism detection services (directly or via a learning management system, i.e. Canvas) for the detection of plagiarism. Turnitin generates a report on the originality of your writing by comparing it with a database of periodicals, books, online content, students' papers, and other published work. All submitted papers will be included as source documents in the reference database solely for the purpose of detecting plagiarism of such papers. The use of the service is subject to the Usage Policy posted on the site."

21) This course may or may not fulfill the College-Level Mathematics Skills requirement (formerly known as the Gordon Rule requirement). See for detailed information.

22) This course may or may not be classified as a General Education Program mathematics course and additionally fulfill the General Education Program Intercultural Knowledge competency requirement. See for detailed information.

23) This course may or may not be an FGCUScholars: Think. Write. Discover course that explicitly engages students in the writing, critical thinking, and information literacy skills of the Quality Enhancement Plan (QEP).

24) (courtesy statement for the Center for Academic Achievement)

"The Center for Academic Achievement (CAA) offers various academic success programs to assist you in reaching your academic goals in a student-centered learning environment.   CAA services are for all FGCU students and include:

 Academic Coaching: Individual or group sessions facilitated by CAA Academic Success Coordinators who discuss relevant success skills to enhance your academic experience. 
Coaching topics include -Time Management, Study Habits, Goal Setting, Motivation, and Organization.

Tutoring: Appointment and Drop-in, peer-led tutoring for math, science, and economics. Check our website for specific courses and times

Supplemental Instruction (SI):  SI leaders are assigned to specific course sections and hold sessions three times per week for 50 minutes in the Library.  Sessions typically focus on the most difficult content in the course.  Visit for full list of courses and schedules.

SOAR to Success Workshops: Interactive workshops focusing on college success topics."

25) (notification of additional student/instructor resources)

"Information on General Education program requirements is available online at

Information on integrating service-learning into the course and course syllabus is available online at

Information on distance learning courses is available online at

Online Tutorials
Information on online tutorials to assist students is available online at

Canvas Learning Management System and Demonstration Site Information on Canvas is available
online at and

Library Resources
Main page:
Tutorials & Handouts:
Research Guides:"

26) (notification of available counseling and psychological/psychiatric services)

Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS) provides free counseling and therapy services (including psychiatry) to all FGCU students. Please call CAPS at 239-590-7950, Monday through Friday between  8:30 am and 5:00 pm to schedule an initial contact appointment. Visit the CAPS website at www.fgcu/caps for more information. CAPS offers a 24/7 Helpline at (239) 745-3277 (EARS).

27) Specific class information:

DIS: Topics in Linear Algebra    MAT 4906

1) Semester: Fall 2024

2) CRN: 50016

3) Course Credit Hours: 3

4) Meeting Times: TBD

5) Meeting Location: TBD

6) Suggested Textbook: Linear Algebra, Schaum's Outline Series, 3rd edition, Lipschutz et al, McGraw-Hill, NY, NY

7) Course description: Fundamentals of vector spaces and matrix theory

8) Prerequisite(s): per catalogue

9) SLO: primarily "problem-solving abilities"