1) Semester: Fall 2020

2) Course ID:  MAD 4504

3) Course Credit Hours: 3

4) Meeting Times: Asynchronous, with lecture videos and transcripts

5) Meeting Location: On-line

6) Required Textbook: Introduction to the Theory of Computation (3rd ed.) by Michael Sipser,

7) Course description:     Discussion of theoretical issues with computers and their limitations, including automata, languages, the Church-Turing thsis, and decidability and undecidability

8) Prerequisite(s): per catalogue

9) SLO: primarily "problem-solving abilities"

10) Homework and exams will be online per schedule. All submissions to the instructor should be as pdf files. Reading assignments will be posted periodically. Lecture videos will be provided to supplement the text. Although the class is asynchronous, activities will be generally structured around the nominal Tues/Thurs meeting times. There will be three exams, each worth 20% of the final grade, an twelve homework assignments, equally weighted, comprising the remaining 40% of the final grade.