1) Semester: Spring 2023

2) Course ID:  MAD 5206

3) Course Credit Hours: 3

4) Meeting Times:  T/R 6:00 - 7:15

5) Meeting Location:  Merwin 120

6) Required Textbook: None

7) Course description:     Graduate level introduction to combinatorics. Topics include enumeration theory, generating functions, recurrence relations, graph theory, posets, and related topics.

8) Calculation of final grade: there will be two in-class exams worth 100 points each, and one take-home exam (final) worth 200 points. The in-class tests will have a true/false component worth 1/3 of the total points, and a proof component worth 2/3. The take-home test is all proofs. Suggested homework will be given with solutions discussed but not graded. Attendance is optional, but the ambitious student will find it worthwhile.

9) Prerequisite(s): per catalogue

10) Student Learning Outcomes:

                                                (i) Information literacy

                                                (ii) Problem-solving abilities

                                                (iii) Technological literacy

                                                (iv) Discipline expertise